A legislative framework and practices of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges in the Czech Republic is subject to SWOT analysis in the light of a competences’ module previously created by the “Portrait of a Judge” expert team.
To review and clarify relevant information, meet and discuss practices and challenges faced by the Czech judiciary in this realm, an expert group study visit to Czech Republic was conducted on 11-14th of October, 2022. This visit allowed a multinational team of experts to meet the President and Vice-president of the High Court of Prague, members Czech Union of Judges as well as representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Czech Republic, Czech Bar Association.
“Visits like this allow to review the accuracy of the information gathered in the previous stages of the project and to hear first-hand of the application of the selection, evaluation and promotion procedures in real life: the practices, which work very well, as well as identify more challenging aspects faced by various actors participating in these procedures. This, coupled with live exchange of ideas among a diverse group of experts from the Project team, contributes significantly to effectively reaching the goals of this Project.” – says Salvija Mulevičienė, Lead expert of the Project and a member of the group of experts, who participated in the visit.