Privacy notice related to the use of online self-evaluation tool for judges or candidates to judges

In accordance with the Regulation (EU) N.o 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter – the GDPR) and applicable national legislation, Mykolas Romeris University informs you about the processing of your personal data related to the use of the online self-evaluation tool for judges or candidates to judges (hereinafter – the Self-evaluation tool).

What is the purpose of the Self-evaluation tool?

This Self-evaluation tool is a part of the “Portrait of a Judge” project (further – the Project). The aim of the Project is to create an innovative, scientifically based, transparent, unbiased and flexible multi-dimensional model of competencies required of a judge and innovative measurement methodology as established by the independent researchers in collaboration with the judiciary and civil society.

The purpose of the Self-evaluation tool is twofold. On one hand, the Self-evaluation tool is intended to help the judge to self-assess in which areas he/she should improve his/her knowledge and skills. On the other hand, the results of self-evaluation will be anonymized and treated at the aggregate level and as such will be used in the Project for discussion on the selection and evaluation criteria of judges and in the preparation of training plans for judges.

Who is responsible for the Project?

The Project is coordinated by Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) as a lead partner. Other Project partners are University of Oslo (Norway), Supreme Court of Lithuania, Supreme Court of Albania, Metropolitan University Prague (Czech Republic).

What does using the Self-evaluation tool mean to you?

If you decide to use the Self-evaluation tool, you will be given access to a questionnaire that will take about 20 minutes to complete. Your answers will be recorded electronically.

Using the Self-evaluation tool is completely voluntary. If you decide to use the Self-evaluation tool, you can withdraw your consent at any time.

For what purposes and on what lawful bases are your data processed?

  • To allow you to use the Self-evaluation tool – on the basis of consent.
  • To send you recommendations generated by the Self-evaluation tool by email – on the basis of consent.
  • To enable management of the Self-evaluation tool – on the basis of the legitimate interest.

What kind of your data are processed?

At the beginning of the Self-evaluation tool, the questionnaire includes general demographics and other questions such as: gender, position (either candidate or judge), if judge, work experience (up to 5 years; 6-10 years; 11+). These data will be anonymized and treated at the aggregate level.

Your email address will be used to send you recommendations generated by the Self-evaluation tool.

Where does your data come from?

Your data will be obtained directly from you.

How and for what period of time your data will be processed and stored?

Your personal data will be controlled by Mykolas Romeris University. Only fully anonymized and aggregated data will be used for analysis within the Project. Your personal data will not be shared with any third parties and will not be transferred to third countries.

Your personal data will be deleted directly after finishing the Project at the latest until the July 31th 2024. The fully anonymized, non-identifiable data will be stored for future research at Mykolas Romeris University.

What are your rights related to the processing of your data?

As a data subject you have the following rights:

  • to become acquainted with personal data;
  • demand correction of inaccurate, incorrect or incomplete data;
  • restrict the processing of personal data until the lawfulness of processing has been verified at the request of the data subject;
  • request deletion of personal data;
  • disagree with processing of personal data when personal data is processed seeking lawful interests of the Mykolas Romeris University;
  • require the transfer of personal data to another data controller or to provide them directly to the data subject in a convenient form (applies to personal data provided by the person himself/herself and processed by automated means on the basis of consent or on request or conclusion and implementation of a contract);
  • withdraw given consent, without any effect to the use of personal data prior to the withdrawal of the consent;
  • file a complaint with the supervisory authority (Lithuanian State Data Protection Inspectorate –

You can exercise these rights by sending the corresponding request to Mykolas Romeris University/MRU Justice Laboratory, Didlaukio g. 55, LT-08303 Vilnius, LITHUANIA or by e-mail to the Project manager: